Friday, March 25, 2011

4th Journal Entry Baby Steps & Oprah

So who know an injury could alter so drastically the way you move in such a short time?  I took a few days off from running but did do some cross training via my bike and elliptical and some other stuff.  I tried running again a couple of days ago and I feel like I've had a major brain injury and have to relearn how to move my legs.  It's the weirdest thing ever.  I'm trying to take it slow too and only do 15 minutes at at time. steps.  Still hurts a little too but I'm trying to follow "doctors orders" and take the Advil and ice the area.  The Spring Thaw run is in a week.  I had hoped to do the 10 mile option but now I'll be happy to do the 5k.  Oh well. 

I'm also obsessed with barefoot running.  But having learned my lesson from trying it a few months ago I know that too requires baby steps and perhaps some special shoes.  I running = shoes.  But it's the new hot thing.  It's supposed to help improve your stride and make you less likely to get injured.  OK I'm a sucker for a salespitch.  But hey  NEW SHOES.

Something else I learned recently.  Oprah ran a marathon!  Yep she did about 10 years ago, in her 40's.  And get this...she did it in 4 hours 30 minutes!  Compared to my pace that's SMOKING! 
So now I have another reason I HAVE to do this.  I mean come on....OPRAH???  Dont get me wrong.  I LOVE Oprah and think that she should run for President.  But she's not exactly the picture of athleticism.  So dang it if she can do it SO CAN I!  At least I sure hope so.  Beating her time...well yea that's probably not going to happen unless it involves motorized transportation. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey good to hear you are back at it and being wise about following Drs. orders. Sometimes that can be a difficult thing to

    If you really want to beat Oprah's time, I do have a scooter you can use... lol

    xoxo Gert
